Tuesday, December 21, 2010

History as Music Video

These are making the rounds, but frankly - they are so wonderful I thought I'd add to the viral and post a couple here:

The Vikings ("Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode)

Beowulf ("99 Luftballons" by Nena)

These are by the group 'History for Music Lovers' - the History Teachers YouTube Channel. ABSOLUTELY worth checking out! (Direct Link to YouTube)

Of the ones I've watched (although they are all great!) my favourite so far is:

The French Revolution ("Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga)

(frankly, I can't believe I didn't pass this along earlier!)


  1. I like the Fr. Rev. one too, in part because they crammed so much history in!

  2. These are great! Hahahaha.

  3. Thanks for spreading the word! I am "Mrs. B." - the lyricist, singer, and performer in these vids. It's nice to see people with awesome history-based professions and hobbies love them. Disclaimer: they are meant to be cheeky, fun, and engaging, but should not serve as stand-alone lessons. More to come!

  4. Dare I say it, Damn! Yes I will those clips are so cute! Especially the Beowulf one!

  5. 'Mrs. Burvall'
    I would like to be able to look a bit deeper into your work and process. Does your team support a web site? I was not able to come up with anything via your YouTube channel or a fast google search.

    Many of us who eventually would go on to work or seriously involve ourselves in aspects of history can often point to a singe teacher who had great (positive) influence on us. I always loved archaeology as a young kid, but generally history as a subject was taught so badly that I was not interested (bloody Canadian 'Corn Laws'). Until Mr Wood, grade 11, Adam Scott in Peterborough, Ontario. Although the topic year was 'Ancient to Medieval', and we never got past Anglo Saxon England, he taught me the 'cause and effect' theory.It was like turning on a light in a dark and dusty room (filled with cool stuff!). Later, English popular historian of science James Burke (Connections, Day the Universe Changed) would be a big influence on my own personal presentation style.
    Mrs Burvall, if you have more out there on the web, please let me know (info@warehamforge.ca)
    I'm sure more than one young mind will be suitably expanded (some would say warped) because of the work of your team. This I suggest is especially meaningful in the USA, a country which seems doomed 'to repeat the mistakes'...

  6. The way things are going in America, it might just repeat the revolution thing.

  7. Dear "the Wareham Forge"- just got your reply...please check out our FB fan page for now (search History for Music Lovers, historyteachers, or the link is posted to our channel)...we are also on Twitter @historyteacherz and are in the process of creating a web site. In the meantime, most press is linked on the FB page...some interesting articles for sure.
    Cheers, Mrs B

  8. To follow this up - History for Music Lovers on Facebook:
