Monday, January 31, 2011

NEW DVD Edits!

Starting today, new versions of my educational DVD programs will be available:

Introduction to BlacksmithingHistoric BladesmithingForging the Viking Age

Revised edits of these three training DVD's, (plus the research volumes Experimental Iron Smelting in the Viking Age and Exploring the Viking Age in Denmark), are available on the Wareham Forge web site.

The new edited versions are specially formated for use in modern issue DVD table top players, and more importantly in computer DVD drives. This last was a failing with the original versions, most especially with Introduction.

The stress on all these productions remains INFORMATION CONTENT, not 'flash'. Those seeking slick Hollywood productions will not find it here. Those wanting to get a large amount of information and close up views of actual working methods will be pleased! These are the changes to the new edits:

All now include a title menu with separate chapter headings, making it simple to zero in on a specific topic or physical demonstration. These programs range from 150 to 165 minutes long, virtually DOUBLE the length of most other available training DVDs. (So having chapter headings is a very useful addition!)

I have re-ordered the sequences on Introduction to Smithing. This has placed all the information on tools at the beginning, next the sequence on starting a coal fire, followed by all the physical technique demonstrations. I think this gives a better flow to the information.

I have added some new 'Bonus' footage to Forging Viking Age. These are shorter QuickTime movie clips, showing work on a wider range of Norse objects. On your computer, open the disk file and look for the 'Bonus' folder.

The core video remains the same. It is important for viewers to understand that these programs were recorded in the early 1990's. Some of the footage was actually shot on BETA tape, the remainder on VHS video! Obviously, the quality of these recordings, both audio and video, will not compare to modern digital media.
Although I did port over the VHS to DVD disk format in 2004, changes in the technology of players has continued. Most importantly, new DVD table top players have a burried 'anti copy' system incorporated (mandated by our 'friends' in the America Media Monopoly). Although these measures were intended to prevent commerical movie piracy, one side effect is that they also can effect 'home' produced DVD disks. These new edits should solve that increasing problem.

I consider the best way to teach someone Blacksmithing techniques, if you can not actually be in the workshop, is via VIDEO. I have specifically zeroed in on a close view of hammer and anvil for the demonstration sequences to make what is happening as clear as possible. I also think the ambient sound of striking the metal is critical to your understanding of the process. ( I figure that you hardly are interested in seeing my smiling face - or are looking to purchase some kind of dramatic music video!)

The price remains the same! The three educational disks are $25 CDN, the two research disks at $20. Discounts for multiple purchases (reduced shipping / Buy 3 - get one FREE!)

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