Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vikings to Vinland - Lecture Feb 24

Thor’s Day Thursdays

A new presentation the last Thursday of every month for the duration of the Vikings: Master Mariners, Traders and Artisans exhibit.

1st Presentation
February 24th at the Sarah Jane William Heritage Centre.
62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville

Clarington Museums and Archives presents the first in the series of guest speakers and discussion followed by a tour of the Viking Master Mariner Exhibit. Light Refreshments served. 7 to 9 pm. $7 Tickets must be purchased in advance.

Vikings to Vinland

The Norse of the Viking Age were the boldest explorers of their times.
Although much is made of raids on England and France, perhaps their greatest adventure was travelling from their homes in Scandinavia westward across the North Atlantic. Settling in Iceland, then Greenland, eventually they would reach the shores of the land they called Vinland, what we know as Atlantic Canada. Just who were these explorers? Where did they go? Why didn't they stay?

Join Darrell Markewitz, creator of the Norse Encampment living history program for Parks Canada at L'Anse aux Meadows NHSC, for a lively discussion. The presentation will be illustrated with images from his many trips out to northern Newfoundland. Handle replica objects from Vinland and the greater world of the Norse.

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