Tuesday, September 06, 2011

DARC smelt at CanIRON 8

(ok - just kind of...)

This is a clip shot at the recent CanIRON 8 demo by Neil, Richard and Dave.

Neil Peterson describing ancient iron and the ore used in the demonstration.

The furnace used is our 'Econo Norse' test / teaching set up, the ore our DD1 analog.
The result was a good soft iron at 5 kg.

The full smelt report is under preparation by Neil.

Although I had worked with the team in the two preparation smelts leading up to this demonstration, I did not have any (initial) part in the action at CanIRON itself. As it happened, I had roared past the team for a fast glance in later in the afternoon (about 20 plus kg into the ore sequence).
"Hows it going?"
"Well there is this one thing, if you could give an opinion"
"Aw crap!"
Add much frantic scurry around here
We ended up pulling the bloom a bit earlier than the team had planned, due to a critical failure / air blockage.

Hey Neil! Do I get to call this one as an 'assist'??

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