Thursday, February 09, 2012

2012 COURSES - dates set

Although these have been available via the web site for a couple of weeks, in keeping with my series of calendar announcements here, these are the 2012 dates for training courses at the Wareham Forge.

The complete courses overview is available HERE

Basic Blacksmithing

April 21 / 22 / 23

June 15 / 16 / 17

September 14 /15 / 16

October 14 / 15 / 16

This is a 18 hour program that stresses a hands on approach, with a Friday evening lecture and two full working days in the forge. Only 4 students per session, each with their own work station, means close personal attention. Projects include poker, tongs, punches and one small decorative item. Course fee of $300 (+HST) includes coffee and materials. For further details go to Basic Blacksmithing

Intermediate / Special Interest Courses

Introduction to Smelting Iron

June 1& 2
(Friday evening - all day Saturday *)
Note - May alternate with Basic Bladesmithing

This course dependent on registrations (requires full class of 4 students due to materials cost)

This 14 hour session will involve the student in the construction and operation of the 'Econo Norse' small scale iron smelter. A Friday evening lecture will cover the theoretical and historical background of smelting iron: ores, furnaces, process, equipment as well as construction of the furnace. * A LONG day Saturday will start with the preparation of charcoal and ore, pre-heating the furnace. The actual process of the smelt takes roughly 6 hours. After this, the resulting iron bloom will be extracted from the furnace, and given a primary consolidation. The iron produced will be cut to sections and shared between the participants. This program does not require any previous metalworking experience, and is of interest to students of history as well as blacksmiths. Course fee of $400 (+HST) includes coffee and materials.

For more details on this special program - go to Smelting Course.

Basic Bladesmithing

June 2 & 3
Note: may alternate with Introduction to Iron Smelting above.

This 16 hour session will introduce the student to the basic techniques required to produce simple hand forged knives. Covers: historic patterns, alloys, heat treating, forging shapes, basic finishing & hilting. Each student will forge and work to finish a small belt knife, plus rough forge a number of basic blade shapes. Requires 'basic' level experience, please ask for details. Course fee of $300 (+HST) includes coffee and materials. Session limited to four students.

For more details on this special program - go to Bladesmithing Course.

Intermediate Blacksmithing

November 3 & 4
Requires student bookings to schedule

This 16 hour session will cover forge welding, punch work (flat and sculptural), tool making, and design for the Smith. Requires basic level experience, please ask for details. Course of fee of $300 (+ HST) includes coffee and materials. Session limited to four students.

Introduction to Layered Steels

November 3 & 4
Requires student bookings to schedule

This 16 hour session will introduce the student to the basic techniques required in the creation of layered steels. Covers: alloy mixes, basic pattern generation and history. Each student will create a layered billet, plus will forge a small knife from a prepared block (provided). Requires intermediate level experience (ability to forge weld), please ask for details. Course fee of $375 (+HST) includes coffee and materials. Session limited to four students.

For more details on this special program - go to Layered Steel Course.

Basics of Metal Casting

November 17& 18

This intensive hands on session will introduce the student to two methods of creating small objects using the casting process:
SAND CASTING IN BRONZE : First a master pattern will be caved in wax, then each student will learn how make molds using the green sand process. Several pours will be made.
PEWTER CASTING IN STONE : Each student will carve out a re-usable soapstone mold, then make a number of pours.

The 14 hour course will include a look at historic cast metal objects, plus an overview of the tools and equipment required to set up a small scale workshop for cast metals. Course fee of $300 (+ HST) includes coffee and all materials.

For more details on this special program - go to Casting Course.

Special Remote Workshops




August 6 - 9

I been involved with the Celtic College since its inception. I normally offer a number of hands on courses and sessions as part of this successful program - including the infamous Artist's Extravaganza (evening 'cultural' session with An Droichead):

(Tentative Course Offering - 2012)

Ancient Iron : Smelter to Forge in the Celtic Iron Age

Note : Approval and details of this program still under consideration.

The Celts were one of the first primary 'Iron Age' cultures, with iron the materials for tools, weapons and decorative objects. How was iron actually made? Then having an iron bar, how did they work it?

This is an intensive program, limited to four students. A historic style charcoal ground pit forge will be built, using hand bellows for air, and small artifact type block anvils. Students will directly experience the challenges this equipment presents by making a number of simple objects. Work will includemaking a cloak broach and simple knife blade, working with actual antique wrought iron.

On the last day of the program, students will build an actual iron smelting furnace. They will also assist in preparing materials for a full demonstration smelt to take place Saturday at the Festival. This is a day long special event to mark the 20th anniversary, which interested students will be able to directly take part in.

Requirements: Students must wear long pants and closed shoes to class, other safety equipment will be provided.
Previous experience blacksmithing helpful, but not required.

Materials fee: There is an additional course fee of $20 (per student) to cover charcoal and wrought iron materials.

This will be a half day session, Monday through Thursday (exact time periods to be determined)

Those students interested in pre-booking this course should contact me via e-mail.

Can't make it to the Wareham Forge?
Consider one of the DVD Training Videos:
Forge Viking Age
Iron Smelting
Introduction to BLACKSMITHING
Forging the VIKING AGE
IRON SMELTING in the Viking Age

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