Saturday, March 24, 2012

International Iron

Shropshire International Iron Working Festival 2012

Event date:
Wednesday, 8 August, 2012 to Sunday, 12 August, 2012
Organised by:
Shropshire Council

Following the success of the international iron smelting weeks, held since about 2003 across Europe, This year the smelting week will take place in the UK.
Shropshire is renowned as the cradle of the Industrial Revolution with the occurrence of minerals and ores supporting the development of manufacturing processes from pre-historic times to the present day. In particular the working of metal ores has shaped the landscape as mining and quarrying, with attendant settlements and roadways, has left a physical legacy which is clear to interpret today.
(image and text above from the ExARC web site - see the full listing)

I would just *love* to be able to attend this!
Even funding not considered. the date places the event just days after I will be returning from DARC at LAM 2012 (L'Anse aux Meadows NHSC). Also directly on top of the Celtic College and Festival in Goderich.
Maybe next year? (No wait, that's CanIRON 9 in Quebec, and maybe a resarected Early Iron in the fall.)

PS - I'm in Corning to view the Glass Museum later today. This is the last element of the extended Smeltfest research trip.

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