Monday, July 28, 2014


Copied directly from the SSW web site:

NEW Course!

Tuesday, 8th 2014f July, 2014

From Turf to Tools - The Aristotle Furnace
Artisan Blacksmith Darrell Markewitz will be leading a weekend course in bloomery iron production. Darrell, joining us from Canada for the Turf to Tools project, has over 35 years experience as an artisan blacksmith, with particular experience in ancient bloomery and forge processes.
This course is for anyone interested in metal as material, as well as those studying historic ironworking processes – in production or research. All participants will find the Aristotle a quick 'table top' method for producing small amounts of useful metal. The 'Aristotle Furnace' is a small charcoal furnace that will convert any kind of iron into a cake of metal with a set carbon content. In effect it allows conversion of scrap into a tool making material. The resulting 'puck' has the physical texture of a bloomery iron, but at a carbon level suitable for cutting blades.

In this two day / 16 hour-long hands on workshop, participants will first build, then operate their own furnace. A number of roughly 500 gm 'pucks' of metal will be made, experimenting with different starting materials. Finally, using a coal forge, individual pucks can be consolidated into working bars. If time permits, a small Iron Age style chisel or blade can be rough forged.

The course is open to all regardless of previous experience or ability, although those with background or knowledge in metal processes will definitely gain an invaluable experience – not to mention a new table top furnace that you can take away with you. All materials are included in the course fee, and participants will be provided with all the tools and safety equipment needed. Students must come dressed in long pants, all clothing of natural fibres (cotton, wool) only. Boots of some sort are required, ideally above ankle height.
Your instructor is Darrell Markewitz. He is a professional artisan blacksmith from Ontario, Canada, with over 35 years experience at the forge. A major area of his work has been with objects and processes from the Viking Age. He designed, created and implemented the living history program at L'Anse aux Meadows NHSC for Parks Canada, ongoing since 1996. His involvement with Ancient and Early Medieval bloomery iron smelting started in 2001, and he has undertaken over 55 experimental smelts since then. He is one of the founding members (and instigators) of the Early Iron movement in North America. Find out more via his web site
Title:   Aristotle Furnance
Date:  10am - 6pm Saturday 30 August to Sunday 31 August
Venue: Scottish Sculpture Workshop
Price: £180
To Book: please emaily or call 01464 861372

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