Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DARC to LAM - July 2012

The Dark Ages Re-Creation Company
will be returning to
L'Anse aux Meadows NHSC!
July 19 - 27, 2012

The Wareham Forge is pleased to announce that it has an agreement with Parks Canada to mount a living history presentation, with interpreters provided by DARC.

At this point the exact interpretive program has not been established. The specific physical demonstrations will depend largely on what additional members of DARC chose to enlarge the core team.
What you can certainly expect to see:

Green Woodworking - including a spring pole lathe
(Grimmi roughing out, Thorgir on the lathe)
Weaving on the Warp Weighted Loom
(Ka∂lin preparing the warp)
Small Textiles - Spinning, Naelbinding, Tablet Weaving
(Jorin working in the sunshine.)
Domestic Tasks, including food preparation
(Kadja - 'A woman's work is never done - especially when she is a slave.')
Trade and Gaming
(Ragnar - ' Would you buy a used longship from this man?')

Some Other Guy who also seems to talk a LOT.
(Kettil ponders a question)
Daily Life in the Viking Age
(Snorri looking on)

All the images above by P. Halasz - taken during the August 2010 presenation


  1. DArn! Why can't this be closer to me.

  2. I bet it will be fun. Looks like it. Would that life were that straightforward again - eh?
