Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Blast from the Past - in Black & White

A piece of trivia : I had originally entered art school with the full intention of becoming a high school teacher. Bill Davis and the education situation in the late 1970's in Ontario had other ideas.
The result was an intentional drift through a number of departments and mediums. You see, the very best art teachers I had ever had where not the masters, but those with the widest understanding. Those with enough background in an area to inspire students and show them the basics. Then the wisdom to turn us loose to explore, advising as was needed to prevent pitfalls and keep us inspired.

The only studio I took for each of my four years at Ontario College of Art - was Photography.

'Bridge' - 1975 (Trent University - Peterborough)

'Reflections' - 1975  (future Harbourfront site - Toronto)
'Pebbles' - 1976 (Mclaughlin Planetarium - Toronto)
'Solar Flare' - 1976 (solarized image, waterfront area, Toronto)

These did not have titles originally. The images are scanned from the b & w prints. Out of thousands of negatives, I only ever printed and mounted a mere handful.

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