Friday, May 31, 2013

4th RE-ARC Conference

My smelting partner Neil Peterson and I travelled the (long!) distance down to Re-Arc 3 last fall. It was absolutely worth the time and trouble. We greatly enjoyed ourselves (see the earlier review).

This is the session I have offered for this year's conference:

'Forging the Viking Age'

   Scandinavian culture was known for the quality of its metalwork,
   especially in iron. Just how did the tools available effect the
   creation of the object? Is there an effect from the qualities of the
   metals available themselves? Join artist blacksmith and Viking Age
   specialist Darrell Markewitz for this combination demonstration and
   hands on workshop session. A reconstructed 'sand table' charcoal
   forge, along with replicas of Norse blacksmithing tools, will be
   used. Those wishing to participate need to be dressed in natural
   fibre, long pants and work boots (jeans and T shirt ideal).

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