Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Elora Sculpture Project

I am pleased to have my larger sculptural piece 'Layers' as part of this year's Elora Sculpture Project:

 There is a public opening / reception on:

Saturday May 12
2 pm

I will not be able to attend. I will be mounting a demonstration iron smelt at the 48th International Congress for Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo MI. (yesterdays posting).

On the downtown Elora map, you will also see Styll Gallery marked in red.
I currently have two earlier pieces on display at the gallery:

First is two of the panels of the larger arbour 'Paris Metro' installed against the south wall containing the lower sculpture garden.

Second is the extended version of 'Celts at the Gates - Shield and Spears' which is mounted at the top of the stairs leading from the store's rear deck to the stairway.  (This piece was included in 'Ironwork Today'.

This would also be an excellent chance to take a look at the Styll 2 exhibit!

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