Thursday, May 02, 2013

Styl 2 (Style Squared) 2013

Styll Squared Exhibit
Styll Squared 2013
Beginning mid April, Styll is once again exhibiting a collection of 12' x 12" wall art pieces. The collection is made up of craft in all mediums and represents artisans that are not normally shown at Styll. These are one of a kind works so stop by frequently to see the new works being added to the mix.

Directions / Hours
Once again I will be offering pieces for the excellent 'Style Squared' exhibit. (In the image above, one of my pieces 'Toxic' can be seen second row from bottom, third in from left).

I submitted two pieces I had created in past years specifically for this year's exhibit :

'Toxic' - 2011
'Layers' - 2010
 Right now I am rushing to complete a full sized (48 x 48 inches) sculptural panel for which 'Layers' was a small test. The larger sculpture was selected as one of the submissions for the Elora Sculpture Project - 2013. The installation will be on Saturday! (more to come on that).

I am allowed to enter a total of four individual pieces into the exhibit.
My plan is for two more pieces, hopefully to undertake later into May:
- 'The Webs We Weave' that will use a patterned back plate with a web formed of bronze wires standing up above the surface as a shallow 3 - D layout.
- 'Bloom of Bloom' (? Not so sure on that title) that will have a shallow bowl shape attached to a mirror polished stainless steel background via a rare earth magnet. This will allow the bowl of bloom iron to be removed if desired.
(more to come on those as well)

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