Wednesday, July 24, 2013

OABA axe workshop

OABA Members,

You won’t want to miss Saturday, August 10th.....

Trade Axe Demonstration and OABA Evening Social
Visiting Blacksmiths Mathieu Collette, Steiiff Vinet and Marc Lepage from Les Forges de Montreal, Quebec will demonstrate making an axe based on axes by Samuel Lount, a settler, surveyor, political activist and talented blacksmith from the 19th century who immigrated to Simcoe County, Ontario, around 1810.

A small insert of high carbon steel will be forge welded into the end of the axe for the cutting edge and body of the axe will be made form low carbon steel.

There will be a $20 Charge per person for the demonstration.

It will be held in Desboro, ON at Henk Boon’s Shop.

Demonstration starts at 10:00 am.
As usual, bring your safety glasses, lunch, chair, and Iron In the Hat contribution.

As it will be a long day, OABA is planning to have an Evening Meal Social following the demonstration.  Henk has generously offered his wonderful facilities and Lisa Langdon and Sandra Dunn will be creating a menu that is sure to please.  (Chicken and Salads)

The cost for the meal is not known yet but it will be reasonable, under $10.00, just enough to cover costs.

If you are planning to attend and would like to stay for the meal, please reply  with an  email. ( )

Even if you cannot join us for the meal, the executive would like to know if you’re attending so send me a note.  to Lisa Langdon :

(slightly edited from a notice via e-mail from Lisa Langdon)

I had seen (as part of an over the shoulder glimpse) the work of these blacksmiths at CanIRON 9. The samples and production pieces they had were excellent. They certainly sounded well informed on the subject as well. (These are the same fellows seen striking in the image in the last blog posting here!)
Unfortunately, I will be exhibiting at the Earth, Air Celtic Festival in Goderich that weekend, and will not be able to attend. However, this workshop I would highly recommend to any blacksmith's reading.

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