Friday, March 28, 2014

FORWARD INTO THE PAST - Upcoming Presentations

Forward Into The Past
23nd Annual Symposium
Saturday April 5
Bricker Academic Building, Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo Ontario
Working an Experiment - 'Turf to Tools' at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop

What goes on when attempting to take our hard earned 'play' with tools and techniques, then turning it into a full fledged experimental archaeology project, at an educational institution, and as a public demonstration? Over 2013, brief conversations lead to the development of a two week special project at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop (an arts based institution near Aberdeen, Scotland.). Although the project is scheduled for August of 2014, this (rambling?) discussion will cover the kind of background work that goes into a project of this type and scale. Certain to be of interest to those wanting to increase the complexity of their own presentations from 'hobby' to (paying?) professional level.
Persona and Living History - A Round Table

There can be a number of ways individuals can take their interest in history and clothe it as a means of illustrating the past. For many, developing and equipping a character based on history is the method chosen. How * do * you create, then portray a 'voice from the past'. What works, and what does not?
Join a select panel of experienced living history re-enactors who will discuss their experiences. Questions from the audience will form the basis of the conversation.
With Steve Strang, Kary Bates, Mila Little and Dave Cox as Moderator.
Re-enactment and Education

Join Dr. Darrin Cox, Dr. Alicia McKenzie, and Darrell Markewitz for a roundtable discussing how medievalism and re-enacting can be used in an educational context. This lively discussion will be happy to take your questions and will also look at the good and the bad of integrating such elements into the classroom and museum environments.
With Neil Peterson as Moderator.

For more information on the event go to the FITP web site

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