Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Last Chance to See (?) Course

(Sorry for this 'shot gun' approach - let me know if you want OFF the general mailing list! Especially if you have *already* taken this program over 2014.)

Did you miss the scheduled 'Introduction to Blacksmithing' courses this year?
Still interested?

Introduction to Blacksmithing
November 22 & 23

'No Kidding - Absolutely LAST Chance This Year' (maybe?)
Saturday & Sunday, working with gas forge only

This is an 16 hour program that stresses a hands on approach, with two full working days in the forge. Only 4 students per session, each with their own work station, means close personal attention. Projects include poker, 'S' hook, wall hook, and at least one small decorative item (more as time permits!). Course fee of $325 (+HST) includes coffee and materials.

For the full list and descriptions see the web site :

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