Putting together a basic tool box
This is what I set up for each of the student tool sets at the Wareham Forge:
Note :
- The hammers and tongs are selected to conform to the types of projects used in the courses provided at the Wareham Forge
- The problem (expense and availability) of equipping a total of six student work stations means there can be considerable variation in detail between the individual tools supplied to each box.
- The boxes are colour coded to specific anvils. The contained tools are also colour coded. This done primarily to match hardie tools to the specific (differing) hardie hole sizes. A secondary result is ease of sorting and packing up.
Note :
- The hammers and tongs are selected to conform to the types of projects used in the courses provided at the Wareham Forge
- The problem (expense and availability) of equipping a total of six student work stations means there can be considerable variation in detail between the individual tools supplied to each box.
- The boxes are colour coded to specific anvils. The contained tools are also colour coded. This done primarily to match hardie tools to the specific (differing) hardie hole sizes. A secondary result is ease of sorting and packing up.
these images are very roughly to the same scale

Hammers : (B to T)
- 1 1/2 lb ball peen
- 800 gm cross peen - usually two different styles
- 1000 gm cross peen
• There is considerable variation between the exact style and weights between the various boxes (see the earlier post on hammer styles). This allows to switch around hammers in this general class for the best fit for each student.
• The 800 gm is suitable for the course work for most students, some will want to use the heavier 1000 gm.
• The 1500 gm is included primarily for use in the ‘layered steel’ / ‘bloomery iron’ courses.

Tongs : (B to T)
- 1/8 flat
- 1/4 square / round - ‘toms tongs’
- 3/16 flat
- 3/8 square
Hardies : (L to R)
- hold down
- cut off (most of these of mild steel, to reduce possible hammer face damage)
- bick
- bottom fuller
Wrenches * : (B to T)
- linesman
- needle nose
- vice grip (although use is not suggested)
- adjustable twisting wrench
- square bar twisting wrench
Punches : (B to T)
- centre punch
- round hole / drift
- straight cut
the remainder are random to various boxes (used for decorative punching)
- flat oval
- blunt round
- flat curve
Other tools : (B to T)
- rough file
- anvil devil
- wire brush
- bending fork
- spring shouldering tool
Everything seen above does fit into a standard metal tool box
Safety (not shown)
- basic polycarbonate glasses
- insert foam plugs
- light leather gloves
- leather apron
Additional (available in the workshop, but not in individual boxes)
- tape measure
- small square (adjustable, 90 + 45)
- scribe
- soapstone / silver pencil
* Thanks to Vandy for spotting the typo there.
No, 'Wenches' / Dancing Boys are NOT supplied!
1 comment:
I use a relatively hard-faced hammer when using a hardy. I find it a lot easier to sharpen a hardy than to redress the face of a hammer.
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